By failing to plan, you are preparing to fail.

Benjamin Franklin

Work With Me

So let me ask ya,

If you don’t PLAN* for sorority recruitment, what are you PREPARING FOR?


That’s exactly what I do…help moms and their daughters, just like you, prepare to navigate recruitment.

Come on! Let’s get you started.

Yep!! I know!!

It would be just peachy for you both if your daughter could just stroll up to sorority row, channel her inner Goldilocks, joyfully clap her hands and say, you guessed it!!

This one is just right!

Fairy Tales!! Oh if I could wave a fairy-godmother magic wand and POOF make it happen!!

Not our reality, but here is the takeaway. Even our girl G still had to do the work and go through the process to find exactly what was just right for her. One chair was too hard and the other was too soft. You know the rest.

IMAGINE what she could have done with a plan!

Sorority Recruitment is a process that works the same way.

Going through rush takes time and deliberation. Even then your daughter is not guaranteed a bid.

In order to maximize OPPORTUNITIES, she will need a strategic approach to help her become laser focused on her goals.

One that highlights her strengths, addresses weaknesses, and helps her stand out from the crowd.

MAKE A PLAN so that come bid day, the chances are greater that she is running home to her “just right” sorority house that she ADORES!

When y’all are all systems GO…

Find someone who not only has the experience needed to guide you both along the path but has also walked in your shoes.

Find someone who will help you focus on the things that matter most as she determines what she wants out of this part of her college experience.

Find someone who helps you both undergo the process from a place of peace not overwhelming anxiety.

Let’s create the plan so she is able to run home to her just right house


Truth be told, I get a bit CONSUMED with what I do!

I do what anyone who helps young women through sorority recruitment should do.

Craft a step-by-step targeted plan.

Advice is great, but without a strategy focused on PRIORITIZING what is important for HER while helping her stand out in a sea of lovely and talented young women, she may not reach her goals.

Time to combine forces to help y’all get started!

Let’s start with some


Templates and Worksheets

Semi-Customizable packet elements; including a variety of worksheets, resume and cover letter template and tracking sheets to help create the picture perfect packet that tells her story.

No. 1

From $10.00


A mom’s guide to surviving the sorority recruitment process. All the details you need to fully understand the Greek system and how to support your daughter through the process. Paperback.

No. 2

From $18.99

Services Request - Quoted upon request - Social Media Audit, Video Review, or Resume Review.

Sometimes you just want your rush bestie to check your work and make sure that IT (whatever needs to be reviewed) has legs. Let’s tie up the loose ends, polish any rough edges, and make everything sparkle and shine.

Clients will be provided an emailed response for their audit or review that will include step-by-step recommendations. Click on the button to submit your request.

Audits and reviews are scheduled and processed on a first come, first served basis.

No. 3

From $100.00

Individual Call/Consultation

Sometimes you just want to phone a friend, whether it is to talk it through to be sure you are on the right track or to gain some clarity.

Limited times available. All scheduled on a first come, first served basis.

Times are all CST-US (Texas). Telephone, Facetime, Zoom or Teams formats available. Pricing confirmed at booking. Missed calls will be charged

No. 4

From $150.00

Not sure exactly what you need? That’s OK too! Just fill out the form below and I’ll help you figure that out.