By Susan Mallios

Are you ready for it? 

Because now is the time to help your daughter prepare to

Heads Up!!  By the time we are done, I’ll help you and your daughter both understand the entire Sorority Rush process, show you how to create a detailed plan of action so that you both know when and how to initiate each stage, and most importantly help her be and feel confident and prepared.

Just so we are clear….

We are not talking about suggestions from Ava’s mom from down the street.  She probably has great words of wisdom. 

HOWEVER, Ava’s mom is not providing your daughter with a framework that helps her identify her ideal sisterhood BEFORE she steps on campus or a system to manage all of the details as she moves forward, or helps her polish the skills she needs to stand out in a sea of charming and talented young women.

You don’t need well-intended neighborly suggestions.  You need a step-by-step plan that will guide you both through the process in support of her goals.

I know exactly where you are…

Your precious daughter is somewhere in the second half of high school…  She has worked hard and the end of the high school tunnel is in sight.  All efforts are aimed at her next big adventure.  COLLEGE!!  

It’s going to be everything and more!  Her soon-to-be new happy place.  Her home away from home. 

You know she will make new friends, grow personally and academically, face a challenge or two, maybe fall in love, and begin carving out the next stages of her life. 

She has also announced that she would like to participate in Sorority or Primary Recruitment and possibly Join a Sorority. 

(Gulp) You take a deep breath, countdown from 10, take a deep breath AGAIN.

Trying not to look like the proverbial “Deer in Headlights”, because you know NOTHING about it and you have heard things…

Before you hit the panic button, REMEMBER, I’ve got your back!  

You are talking to your BESTIE, who happens to be the Chairman of the “Been There, Done That” committee, tortured my mother when I went through, and sent my own daughters into the fray. 

You know, your girlfriend who has volunteered herself on every side of the experience and also helped a few others along the way.  

Low and behold, I actually have earned a few t-shirts and am writing a book about it!

I get it!!  There are a lot of balls to juggle and many distractions.

The milestones that are happening right now are important! 

Being present for those last performances, final games, and rites of passage events comes first AND y’all need to work together to create and begin working a long-range plan for what is coming at the same time.  

It takes more time than you think!  The last thing either of you want is to be behind in preparing to join a sorority.        

Why?  DETAILS matter.  TIMING matters. 

AND you don’t want to miss a step or leave anything out when y’all could be dotting i’s and crossing t’s and maybe even have some fun over a latte.

Demystify Everything

The process of preparing to  join a sorority is complex and often frustrating. 

Understanding the stages, how everything fits together and why it is important will ease concerns and disgruntlement.

Let’s gain clarity about the process.

So, let’s dot i’s and cross t's!

Manage The Details

We all know actions speak louder than words. 

Staying on top of the details from the beginning conveys a message that sorority recruitment is a priority

Let’s be sure the right message is being sent.

Stand Out From The Crowd

The process of joining a sorority is competitive. 

Being memorable for the right reasons is one of the best ways to stand out from a very large pool of candidates.

Let’s create a plan that points a spotlight on her.

  • The way you approach preparing for recruitment can be the difference between having her choice of houses or not.

My simple three-step approach to get your Rush ball rolling…

  • Begin with the end in mind…

    The goal is for your daughter to find her sorority home. That looks different for each candidate.

    Let’s cut through some of the hype, have some discussions outlining what sororities are really all about and work to determine what her expectations are for recruitment.

  • Map Out a Plan

    She needs strategies for every aspect of the process!

    Let’s warm up the spreadsheets, get the deadlines on the calendars, go through all of the how-to’s and create an easily executable master plan so that when she steps on campus she is confident and stands out in the best of ways.

  • Follow Through

    You would not believe how many times people will not use a blueprint that has been provided. Bottom line? Follow THROUGH!!

    Work every part of that plan! Just do it! Enough said…. Check things off the lists, take off the training wheels, let the fledgling flap her wings and watch her soar!!

Use How To Join A Sorority tools and resources to create an easily executed, goal-oriented Recruitment Plan

(or we can collaborate to put it together)

Well hey there!  I’m Susan 

Let’s construct a game plan that shines a light on your daughter! 

How To Join A Sorority is a curated selection of resources and curriculum designed to help moms and daughters, just like you, conquer the task of preparing for Primary Recruitment (formerly Sorority Recruitment and Rush).  

For the record, Rush has always been my favorite sorority event.  And the cherry on top of my hot fudge Recruitment sundae is hearing how a candidate has just run home to her sorority happily ever after.    

Meaning, I’ll help you and your daughter creatively manage the preparation so that you both are more likely to experience the process from a place of peace not anxiety.

Can I hear a “Yes ma’am!!”

Founder of How To Join a Sorority

You made it all the way through!!

Don’t forget your Rush Party Favor before you go!!

Quiz - Which Sorority Girl Are You?

Greek Speak

Sorority ID’s

Want more info? Click on the About or Services Pages OR if you really need to chat, drop me a line.

Kindly fill out the Contact form below and let me know how I can help! Please be patient, I may be a day or two getting back to you but I absolutely will respond.
